Saturday, April 10, 2010


German Cyclist Stefan Schumacher
Drops Appeal Against Doping DQ
@ The Beijing Olympics

Schumacher & The Beijing Olympic's DQ'

German Cyclist Stefan Schumacher Has With-Drawn His Fight Against The DQ @ The Beijing Olympics For Doping With Blood-Booster's "CERA". Schumacher Had Traces Of The Banned Drug In A Blood Sample Analyzed Using A New Test Method Several Months After The Games In Aug. 08'. His Olympic Results Will Be Wiped From The Records.
28-Year-Old Schumacher Is Already Banned From The 12' London Olympics Because He Is Serving A 2-Year Ban For Testing + For "CERA" @ The 08' Tour De France.

IOC Anti-Doping Rules:
Athletes Are Ineligible For Games If They Receive A Doping Ban Of More Than 6 Months.

Schumacher 1st Tested + For "CERA", Latest Version Of Performance-Enhancing Hormone EPO, In Samples Taken B4 & During The 08' Tour In Where He Won The Individual Time Trials. 3 Months After The Race - Schumacher Competed @ Beijing - He Was Caught When The French Anti-Doping Agency Developed The Test. 1st Banned From Competing In France For 2 Years, 2nd The International Cycling Union Extended The Sanction Worldwide. Sport's Highest Court Attorney's Brought Forward The Ban's Start Date Clearing Him To Return To Action This Season Aug. 28. The 2nd Doping Case From The Beijing Olympics Still Has To Be Resolved.

“The German Cyclist Stefan Schumacher Has Withdrawn His Appeal Against The Decision Taken By The International Olympic Committee, In Which He Was Found To Have Committed An Anti-Doping Rule Violation During The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.” 
-Court of Arbitration for Sports

“In January 2010 the CAS rendered a decision in another case relating to the same rider, in which his appeal against the decision of the International Cycling Union (UCI) to recognise the two-year suspension imposed by the French Anti-Doping Agency (AFLD) and to extend such suspension worldwide was dismissed.”
-Court of Arbitration for Sports
His Main Goal For Appealing The Olympic Sanction Was To Overcome The Automatic Life Ban He Now Faces From Any Olympic Games. He Said That He Intended Appealing The Decision To The Swiss Federal Court.

“It is about six weeks, I will speak with my lawyer as to whether there is a legal basis for the case.” -Stefan Schumacher

His Former Team-Mate Davide Rebellin Was Also A DQ' In The Olympic Games For The Use Of The Same Substance.

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